Monday 11 March 2013

A Death of an Idea

Last week I had a tutorial which unfortunately killed an idea I was excited about. I had decided that out of every bead workshop i did, that an image would come out of it. I would create the image from the beads that the people who joined my workshop made. However, I was told that regardless on how I might have felt about these images, I might just not get a good grade if i submit these. So rest in peace idea. Maybe I'll resurrect you someday.

The new idea is to use a dining room table, set it up like one of my workshops, and have six audio recordings from the conversations that were made from previous workshops. I then would lay out the beads that have already been made previously and a glass bowl in the center. I would hope and encourage people to touch/play/keep the beads and/or make new ones to place in the bowl. After every night I would weigh the beads and see how much was taken and given. I also plan on having people from previous workshops come back on the first opening days and join in on bead making.

I still have up to four possible workshops planned with one coming up this weekend in Newcastle. At the end of the month I plan to fly to Lebanon and will do a few workshops there. Hopefully I will be able to complete everything on time, which I'm sure is a very common worry amongst MFA2 students in the middle of March.

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