Wednesday 7 November 2012

First Triad

            On Monday the 29th of October, I had my first triad of the year, and to be honest, I was dreading it. Although I can see the possible use of such a critique, I always found them forced, strenuous and usually left me frustrated and disillusioned. However, this triad wasn't the case.
            My tutor was Lucy Stein and she had never done a triad before. Regardless, I was quite impressed by her. She made everyone feel relaxed and able to give opinions without insecurities. The other two students in my triad were able to give their critique without too much bias, and had a kind of openness that helped, rather than discouraged my work. I even have felt stressed about the end product of my calming me down (which I'm sure was not their intent). So my conclusion to this blog is that I ended up feeling far better at the end of it. 

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