Sunday 22 January 2012

Beginning of the Second Semester

            After a tremulous beginning at my school Edinburgh College of Art, I have come back from the States for Christmas, jet lagged, but ready to go! There is an art project that I began before I left Scotland about a month ago, that I feel obligated to finish, but now have lost the steam and inspiration to do so. However, being that I have a particular hatred of not finishing something that I have started, I will begin working on it, while I start new (and perhaps better) projects.
            This project, that I am less inclined to finish, is about how (in my opinion) people in the western world tend to shut off to what is happening in the world because of mass media which is filled with corruption and driven by money. It will consist of two video screens. One of the screens will be following an individual who lives somewhere in the western world. The backdrops will be paintings and the character will be still images that I place in these paintings. As it follows his or her life within a day, the viewer will see subtle images of actual issues that occur in the world in a familiar way, like posters, commercials, etc. The other screen will be live footage of the people and places that are being portrayed by the posters and commercials. Essentially the second screen is showing the viewer a closer look to what my character sees in passing.
            Another idea that I am more excited about is perhaps doing a collaborative piece. I am inspired by the Center of New Hope in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where children who have been suffering emotionally, physically and mentally due to the affects of war draw their experiences then tear up the paper and turn them into necklaces to sell and make money for their school fees. Being that this is an idea that just entered into my head, there is a great deal of research and thinking that I have to do before knowing exactly what it is I would be doing. Meanwhile, I will continue working on what I have started. 

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