Monday 7 November 2011

Uganda Collage

The current piece that I am working on is a collage of footage of different scenes that I have during the time I was in Uganda the summer of 2010. What I have done so far is collect the footage I have and have cut them into 20-second segments which has caused me to slow down most of the footage. I then have been processing them in After Effects to either enhance the color or to mute it down so that when they are all together they will make a silhouette of a person.

The intent behind this piece is to address the aspects of the many cultures that inhabit the nation of Uganda, the issues they face and the unique culture they have. A few of the things that they face are a history of genocide and past corrupt dictators like the infamous Idi Amin. The past decade radical and violent religious groups like the Lord’s Resistant Army have been causing strife for the northern Ugandan villages. The memory of being the country most affected by AIDS only forty years ago is prevalent, and is still a struggle. The percent of the population that is under the unemployment line is thirty five percent and the education is almost nonexistent.
Even though these are only the beginning of the things the Ugandan people have to face, they are rich with culture. Regardless of the lack of resources, the people give anything they can to a mere stranger. There is a warm feeling of community and no matter the circumstance, they never give up the chance to dance or sing.
The issues that I can think might come about from this piece are the common fears of exploitation, kitsch, and the idea that I am trying to push an agenda. The questions I ask myself is how can I correctly portray the Uganda people who have affected me so much in the past few years without bumping into these problems? Regardless, I have begun this arduous work and we will hopefully see what comes of it. 

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